Cost-Efficiency and Cloud-Native Applications: An Overview

In the dynamic realm of cloud deployment, the cost-effectiveness of each transaction is a crucial factor. Leveraging cloud services and associated cost metrics effectively can lead to optimal resource utilization. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of cost-driven cloud-native applications, using Amazon Web Services (AWS) as our prime example due to its pioneering status and current leadership in the cloud industry. It’s worth noting that similar services are offered by other providers such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Oracle Cloud (OCI), IBM Cloud, and more.
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Jenkins Library with Example for T12s Team Rotor

If you find yourself copy-pasting code snippets and pipeline sections in different Jenkins pipelines, then it is time to ensure that the code is written correctly and properly. You usually have multiple software projects with a similar CI/CD setup. What I have often observed is duplicated code all over the Jenkins pipelines, even if all project structures are almost the same. In order to avoid duplicating the same code snippets in all Jenkins pipelines and make the pipeline code clean, I use a library that provides steps, such as awsCloudPackerBuildImage.
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T12s Automator Team-Rotor Announcement

Some companies take the approach to rotate tasks over all team members. In this case you may have experienced that every morning the same question pops up namely who is turn today, and who was the last time and that’s without the early coffee cup. To be precise you would like to select one team member (randomly/alphabetical order) to do certain task during a given time period. E.g. who presents this week in the daily stand-up?
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Simple Java Avro Serializer Deserializer

“Apache Avro is the leading serialization format for record data, and first choice for streaming data pipelines. It offers excellent schema evolution, and has implementations for the JVM …” - source: In this post a simple Avro serializer and deserializer (AVRO serde) implementation is presented. The Apache Avro library make use of the single responsibility principle, and it defines different classes for different type of work. The class SpecificDatumWriter is responsible for writing Avro object into an OutputStream.
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Multiple Git Configurations - conditional includes

Today, I got across the git feature conditional_includes. You can specify which git configurations should be applied under which circumstances. As a software engineer I am used to work on different projects and sometimes for different organizations. I do not want to use the same e-mail address for all git repositories. I made use of the git local configuration to specify the e-mail address I want to show in my git commits for the corresponding git repository (for example: git config --local user.
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